“Beer bike, pedal bar, bar bike” and more. All these names are used for the special type of bicycle invented in 1997 by the Dutch company Het...
Shops in the Netherlands cannot operate as before due to a lack of staff. According to the data of Professional Chamber INretail, brands cannot work in the...
The Department of Public Health, GGD, reported an increase in mouse complaints from Amsterdam residents. While the number of mouse complaints was 3,409 in 2019, this figure...
Squad Mobility start-up company located in Breda, Netherlands has produced a solar-powered microcar. Squad Mobility said they want to increase interest in microcars and make a solar-powered,...
The Keukenhof botanical garden of the Netherlands welcomed more than 1.1 million visitors in 2022. Speaking on behalf of the botanical garden, the spokesperson said, “This number...
In Hilversum, volunteers organize cycling lessons so that Ukrainian children can get to school more easily. Allard Bentvelsen, the leader of the Hilversummers.nl organization, stated that...
The European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) announced its support for the proposed plan to ban new fossil fuel-powered vehicles from...
A study by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water and the Wageningen Maritime Research found that it is better for biodiversity if stranded dead whales...
The Dutch are known for their fondness for snacks. One of the most popular street delicacies is Kibbeling, which has its roots in the 19th century. Kibbeling,...
According to a study in the Netherlands, it costs 10 percent more to get married than in 2019. This rate was revealed in the weekly price research...