After China, Indian scientists began developing cyborg mice using brain electrodes for use in intelligence and rescue operations.
In India, scientists began making cyborg rats to assist the military in intelligence monitoring and rescue operations.
Cyborg Mice were started by a team at the Young Scientists Lab in Hyderabad, India.
The mice were fitted with small camera hats so they could be guided around mazes using “semi-invasive” brain electrodes.
It was stated that this experiment, which was stated to be carried out for the “first time” in history, is currently ongoing, and the mice are rewarded with food in return for the tasks they complete.
“This is the first time India has attempted to develop such technology. Some foreign countries already have this technology. This technology will assist the military’s Intelligence Surveillance and Rescue (ISR) operations,” said Indian researcher Shiva Prasad.
Stating that the experiments continue, Prasad said, “The first stage trials, where the mouse will be controlled by the commands of the operator, are continuing, and in the second stage, scientists can provide images from the camera mounted on the mice’s head.”
Cyborg mice are already known to be used in China.
“Computer-managed rats were compared to normal rats, which measured things like steps, coverage rates, and time taken to solve the maze. The results showed that the computer allowed cyborg rats to communicate, to avoid dead-ends,” writes a research paper in Science and Technology platform Futurism. and it helped them find their way through cycles.”
It is the name given to entities that have biological and artificial (for example, electronic, mechanical or robotic) parts. It is an abbreviation of the term cybernetic organism. The term, coined by American scientists Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline in 1960, was used in an article describing the advantages of self-organizing human-machine systems in space.
cybernetics or the science of guidance; It is the science that studies the control and management of all complex systems, living and non-living.
Concepts addressed by cybernetics include learning, cognition, social control, emergence, communication, efficiency, and influence. Unlike various fields of science, cybernetics abstracts these concepts from the context of the original organism or device.