France requested Telegram to close chat groups that were planning attacks on many names and mosques, including Muslims. After the Twitter account Tajmaat exposed the Telegram...
The balloon, which was identified as Chinese and flying over the US earlier this year, managed to gather intelligence from military bases for days before being...
Australia has become the latest member of the electronic intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes”, which bans the use of the Chinese social media platform...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said his country views the European Union as an “unfriendly union” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke to Argumenty i Fakty...
It has been argued that China no longer recognizes Japanese sovereignty over the Kuril Islands, which has been the subject of a territorial dispute between Japan...
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called on Russia to stop planting mines on Ukrainian soil. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, in her written statement on...
UNICEF announced that the number of children killed in the Russia-Ukraine War so far has exceeded 500. Catherine Russell, Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s...
Former US Army Acting Secretary John Whitley said US military planners will focus on the fact that any future war with China over Taiwan will start...
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated that China can play an important role in the Russia-Ukraine war and that it should contribute...
German companies invested a record 11.5 billion euros in the country last year, despite growing concerns about the German government’s economic dependence on China. According to...