Families in need living in Amsterdam will be able to shop for free at the Fris supermarket in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. Social entrepreneur Abdelhamid Idrissi founded Studielazen...
Lawmakers will today discuss the government’s latest plans to curb money laundering and terrorist financing, but the 100-euro limit has already come under heavy criticism from...
The act of labor includes city clean-ups, such as garbage collectors, bailiffs and municipal office workers. City cleaners in Almere will start a two-day strike on...
The Dutch government has taken an important step towards providing multilingual childcare options for families in the Netherlands, opening a Dutch online portal where the public...
2023 started with death, violence and chaos in the USA… According to official data, 38 mass murders took place in the first three weeks of the...
In Kyrgyzstan, the law proposal envisaging the penalty of “castration” for sexual assault on children was accepted. In the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, the law proposal that...
The German Union for the Conservation of Nature (BUND) has accused the government of ignoring climate protection goals. The German Union for the Protection of Environment...
Bill Gates, who was right when he announced that we could face a coronavirus-like pandemic years ago, announced the new danger waiting for the world. Gates,...
The revelation that the “security chief” of ISIS, who was captured in Arkel, has been holding a residence permit since 2019 has caused controversy. The Syrian...
The Dutch government will send two launchers of the patriot air defense system and a series of missiles to Ukraine. In a written statement, Dutch Defense...